The Mining Code: Charting the Course for Deep Seabed Mining

Essential texts that underline the current phase of negotiations, including the consolidarted draft regulations on exploitation here!

Visited - March 20, 2024

Article summarizing the existing issues and gaps in the ongoing negotiations toward finalizing the legal framework on exploitation here!

Visited - February 23, 2024

The Mining Code and all related documents, including ongoing negotiation materials, can be found on the ISA's website here!

Visited - February 23, 2024

The Mining Code, created by the International Seabed Authority (ISA), governs deep seabed mining activities in the Area, the international seabed beyond national jurisdiction.

Currently, two phases – prospecting and exploration – are covered, while the framework for commercial mining (exploitation) is under negotiation. The ISA is currently shaping this legal framework, anticipated to be completed by 2025.

This section delves into the ongoing negotiations and key players involved, providing a clear understanding of the industry's trajectory and potential implications.